SPIRITUS Breathwork

You are your own greatest Healer. Our breath guides us to our own inner work, where we must feel into those areas that we have suppressed.

To love the parts of ourselves that we have exiled and shamed.

To reconnect to our self, love all that arises and to connect to something that is greater than ourselves.

Through SPIRITUS breathwork the power of our Healing rests in our own hands.

When we breathe in a conscious connected and rhythmic way we enter into an altered state of consciousness, our breath bridges the gap between our conscious mind and subconscious mind and our body. 

Our body remembers everything that our mind forgets. So all the deep unresolved emotional wounds/trauma is stored within the body.

SPIRITUS breathwork creates space for those unresolved emotions to come to the surface to be felt and processed and released from the body.

While also assisting the body to unwind the nervous system and held patterns of tension.

It allows the body to completed interrupted arousal cycles (fight/flight/freeze/fawn) due to traumatic experiences.

In SPIRITUS Breathwork we combine the breath with bodywork to help move the body and to gently break up and move tension from the body.

Once the body releases, the nervous system is able to come back into homeostasis and balance and expands its window of tolerance.

And as we release emotions/tension/trauma from the body (not just the mind) it creates space for the body, mind and spirit to heal and come back into a space of remembrance.

Yes we can release a lot of pain/trauma in these experiences,


We can also tap into our own euphoric/bliss states,Tap into our creativity and intuition,

Connect to our guides and ancestors,

Experience oneness and pure freedom and Immense amount of love

Tap into quantum fields

Receive guidance about our future.

And remembering who we truly are, At the core of our being.

We are coming home, to our body.

Healing occurs in safety.

This work is deep, transformative and profound.

Learn the art of healing through SPIRITUS breathwork and become facilitator of this medicine!

This is truly such a power.

Meet Tim Morrison

In 2015 and after one of the hardest periods of my life, I journeyed to Peru to go and drink Ayahuasca (sat 8 times with my dad) and heal myself after hitting rock bottom from a severe and career ending neck injury (was once Australian light weight champion in Muay Thai).

This experience led me into a deep place of surrender and a six-month-long shamanic awakening. I was In and out of altered states of consciousness, when I asked, ‘If you teach me how to get through this,
I will share this message with the world…’

After I came out the other side, it was time for silence and patience… 
And as I was sitting on the beach in meditation, spirit said…

You need to go back to the jungle, drink ayahuasca and you must diet.’

So I left for a six-and-a-half-week trip. Entered into a ten-day isolation, with Traditional dieta. The only person who came to see me was my Shaman.
And he arrived with a drink to delve me into a deep hallucinogenic state.  
When I emerged… I asked this question

‘How can I share this medicine with my community without them having to drink (ayahuasca)’

And she replied…

Let me show you, my dear.’ 

the creator and facilitator of SPIRITUS Breathwork, and the story of how Spiritus breathwork came to be.

Tim is a highly sought after leading global transformational specialist and the founder and creator of SPIRITUS Breathwork. He has a wide array of experience that has been cultivated from years of study, personal and professional experience and travels throughout the world that he will utilise to deliver this internationally renowned training.

“Many of you know my story, so I won’t share it in full, but I do want to share the part I feel is appropriate in responding to the collective.

She laid me flat on my back.
and spoke these 3 words
“Breathe with me.”

It was unlike anything I’d experienced before.
Like a download of breathing codes into my system. Awakening something very deep, very cosmic, primordial.

In these ongoing times of living in separation from ourselves, I know this is the medicine.

Something we can all access to peer into our internal essence and truly reconnect. 

Our Breath.

It’s the modality I’ve come to love and have now shared the Spiritus technique with 1000s of people and taught the technique to 300+ amazing humans at a practitioner level over the past few years.

I acknowledge that you’re in this community because you wish to journey further. I know some joined to deepen their practice (similar to Yoga practitioners who complete teacher training and don’t teach), while for others it is about looking to the future and how they can better serve their community or a wider audience as a professional. 

So I share the words, shared with me in 2017.

‘Breath with me’ 

more about Tim

Tim is an Internationally renowned Australian multi-instrumentalist, ceremonialist, trauma-informed facilitator, and the creator of SPIRITUS Breathwork + Somatic Healing. He guides transformative journeys through breath, sound, and movement. Empowering individuals to access innate wisdom and unleash inner power through accessing altered states of consciousness. Tim leads you and your future clients towards liberation, freedom, and deep soul connections with his multi layered, ethical and empowering training system, SPIRITUS.

Tim was initiated onto the shamanic path from Spirit and plant medicines, along with having trained in breath work, jungle medicine with the Katukina tribe of Brazil and worked with the Shipibo and Mestiso lineage in Peru. His focus now is on expanding consciousness and deepening human connection.

Spiritus vision / mission

I created this school to empower more people to share the power of SPIRITUS breathwork with the world.

Our mission is to spread this healing all over the world.

We are committed to facilitating a Breathwork school that creates more trauma informed, embodied facilitators that get the support to work on themselves to so they can grow, heal and serve their most purest medicine.

We have created a community that inspires communities.

That inspires:

  • Leaps of faith to live the life we dream of

  • Profound healing

  • Self and community leadership

  • Sacred service that starts with us and how our team are living and embodying this medicine and their lives.