Welcome, I’m
Tim Morrison.

Tim is a renowned Australian, and internationally acclaimed multi-instrumentalist, looping artist, ceremonialist, trauma-informed facilitator, and the visionary behind SPIRITUS Breathwork + Somatic Healing..

Tim is a renowned Australian, and internationally acclaimed multi-instrumentalist, looping artist, ceremonialist, trauma-informed facilitator, and the visionary behind SPIRITUS Breathwork + Somatic Healing.

The creation of SPIRITUS has grown into a world class facilitation training, enabling students all around the world to learn Tim's method.

Tim guides transformative journeys through breath, sound, and movement and empowering individuals to access innate wisdom, unleash inner power and receive healing through accessing altered states of consciousness. Through his workshops, trainings, immersions and retreats, Tim leads us towards liberation, freedom, and deep soul connection.

We are given so many opportunities in life to walk our path.

So many pivotal life choices that truly can dictate the trajectory of our lives. So many opportunities to learn that lesson, to make that choice, to go after that dream or dream a new one.

For Tim, a severe career ending neck injury, is what took him into his own deep transformational space, losing himself and life as he knew it. He went from a life of passion and purpose to a dark depression, suicidal instincts and what felt like no reason to live, after losing what mattered most to him.

After combating a number of mental health issues, Tim vowed that if he ever got through this then he would share how with others.

Creator Artist Leader

Tim is a renowned Australian, and internationally acclaimed multi-instrumentalist, looping artist and ceremonialist.

Tim has spent the last decade remembering himself as a creator, an Artist, a leader everyday. With his excellence and unique talent his offerings now expand beyond Australia to international waters, sharing this unique array of talent, looping artistry and world instruments to help people heal and evolve this lives. Creating Sacred space for people to build a new vision of themselves and their lives.

“I get to share what I have been initiated into because there are so many people in need right now. It is always an honour to share my Sacred Sounds and healing pathways with others, because I know the impact they can have on our own state of being, I experienced it and continue to experience it for myself. For us to now have the Spiritus Breathwork Facilitator School where we can share more of this is truly living a dream.” Tim

“This all placed me where I am today. Guiding people back into harmony through ceremonial and Shamanic skills. You could say my mission is to transform lives. You could say it is to continue my own evolution. The one thing we know for sure is that the more we all take the inner journey deep into themselves, to connect back to the earth, back to who we truly are we begin to live and lead from the heart. That is the greatest medicine we could offer this world. To walk through the shadows of deep change. My vision is to see everyone being a conscious leader within their own life, so they can live a life of purpose and fulfilment in their own genius.”

-Tim Morrison

Trauma-informed facilitator, and the visionary behind SPIRITUS Breathwork + Somatic Healing.

From his own personal mastery to now offering Spiritus Breathwork and Somatic Healing School internationally is a huge leap forward for many other coaches, healers, facilitators and for anyone wanting to step into the realms of the healing arts.

The creation of SPIRITUS has grown into a world class facilitation training, enabling students all around the world to learn Tim's method.

“My own evolution never ends, I continue to dive deep into expansion for myself with a wide array of modalities, wisdom and healing opportunities. Anything you immerse in with me you will feel the depth of what I have learnt from trauma and somatic studies, Shamanic immersions, plant dietas, Sacred sound initiations and more.

“My own evolution never ends, I continue to dive deep into expansion for myself with a wide array of modalities, wisdom and healing opportunities. Anything you immerse in with me you will feel the depth of what I have learnt from trauma and somatic studies, Shamanic immersions, plant dietas, Sacred sound initiations and more.

It is always an honour to share this Artistic expression and offer the world new and creative ways of healing and wisdom and know that it is landing all over the world for those in need. There is a lasting impact that can happen for the world when we all come back to ourselves and heal and expand and let our lives be breathed through in such a Sacred way.

We breath life into the world, the way of living, our perspectives, the way we care for the earth, each other and support each other in living out our big dreams.

Leading others into leadership so they can create their own dreams, bring their missions to life and life the life they’re only right now thinking about is something special.

Through inner personal work and continuing transformation and growth Tim has walked himself home to heart based conscious, empowered leadership and continues to walk his path in deep commitment to his own growth and that of passing this onto others through his own leadership. He shares his Sacred sound journeys all over the world, he runs the Spiritus Breathwork Facilitation School, he is travelling the world with his family and continue to expand what he can offer.

Tim is now a leader in creating a world where it is safe to remove the conditions of society and decondition projected beliefs for us to live in our authentic self. Bringing people home to do what they know how to do best.  His mission continues to take him all over the world connecting with people internationally to bring communities home to the heart by shifting their conscious state of living.

Anything you immerse in with Tim you will feel the depth of what he has learnt from his trauma and somatic studies, his Shamanic immersions, plant dietas, Sacred sound initiations and more.

You can find out more about Tim on his personal Website

Tim began his journey as a personal trainer at the age of 17.

He fell in love with deep, transformational work, coaching people from the inside out.

During this time, Tim was dedicated to his career as a Thai boxer, competing at high level which saw him win the State and Australian WKN light weight title, fighting within Australia and also Russia and Thailand.

From Personal development and Leadership, Energy work, Kundalini, Shamanism and Tantra, working alongside Shipibo shamans in South America with plant medicines, along with completing numerous plant and tree dietas, including deeply receiving and connecting with the medicine of Cacao. Also living and training with the Katukina tribe in Brazil receiving and learning the medicine of Kambo, Rapè (pronounced Harpay) and Sananga.

This all placed me where I am today. Guiding people back into harmony through ceremonial and Shamanic skills. You could say my mission is to transform lives. You could say it is to continue my own evolution. The one thing we know for sure is that the more we all take the inner journey deep into themselves, to connect back to the earth, back to who we truly are we begin to live and lead from the heart. That is the greatest medicine we could offer this world. To walk through the shadows of deep change. My vision is to see everyone being a conscious leader within their own life, so they can live a life of purpose and fulfilment in their own genius.