Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes for sure, even though this training is focused on SPIRITUS breathwork facilitation you can still attend this training for your own personal development and inner work

  • If you are feeling called to become a SPIRITUS Breathwork facilitator, trust in your calling. It definitely would be great to have experienced SPIRITUS breathwork first before coming in however we will be going through 10 experiential breathwork sessions during the training.

  • No. SPIRITUS Breathwork is not suitable for Women who are pregnant. It is best to wait until you have given birth and have gone through the first few months of postpartum.

  • Yes all classes will be recorded and uploaded onto our private online platform where you can watch the replay in your own time.


    It is expected that all student will allocate the appropriate to time each week (approx. 6hrs) to ensure they can be present for the calls and/or stay up to date with the call recordings & homework submissions so that you stay up-to-date with the program. The course is intensive in nature so it is required that students prepared for that.

  • It would be best to put aside 5 to 6 hours a week for the content and self study practice.


    It is expected that all student will allocate the appropriate to time each week (approx. 6hrs) to ensure they can be present for the calls and/or stay up to date with the call recordings & homework submissions so that you stay up-to-date with the program. The course is intensive in nature so it is required that students prepared for that.

  • You will be learning a conscious connected rhythmic breath Tim has created over years of study and personal experience; called SPIRITUS Breathwork.

  • It sure is!! We are fully Accredited under the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine.

    You can CLICK HERE to see our profile on their website confirming our current Accreditation.

  • SPIRITUS Breath work facilitator means that you are a guardian a guide a sovereign agent of healing with the breath of guiding people into their own deep internal world to release to remember and to come back to their own truth. You are a facilitator of sacred space.

  • The course goes for 12 weeks plus extra time at the completion for you to undergo your practice work.


    It is expected that all student will allocate the appropriate to time each week (approx. 6hrs) to ensure they can be present for the calls and/or stay up to date with the call recordings & homework submissions so that you stay up-to-date with the program. The course is intensive in nature so it is required that students prepared for that.

  • To get started click on any of the Apply For Your Spot buttons to begin the enrolment process.

  • This training is for anyone being called to become a SPIRITUS Breathwork Facilitator. In saying that, you must be over 18 years old to participate and not experience ANY of the contraindications for breathwork. If you are unsure please consult your doctor.

  • Safety is of upmost importance.

    Due to the nature of this work, the deep processes and SPIRITUS breathwork there are certain contraindications that will stop you from being able to attend.

    These are:

    • High blood pressure

    • Diagnosed Severe PTSD

    • Severe mental health conditions (bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis)

    • Currently taking heavy medication that alters brain chemistry (anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic)

    • Detached Retina

    • Recent physical injuries, fractures and/or surgeries

    • Epilepsy

    • History or diagnosis of aneurisms

    • Cardiovascular problems

    • History of seizures

    • Severe Asthma

    • Heart disease

    • Heart conditions

    • Diabetes

    • Hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition, emotional crisis, spiritual emergence within the past 3 years

    • Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions that would impair or affect your ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and/or emotional release.

    • Adverse reactions from recent Covid Vaccination

  • Once the training has finished you are required to complete a specific number of practice hours. Once the training and these practice hours have been completed and Tim and his team have certified your competence to facilitation one on one (1:1) SPIRITUS breathwork sessions you will then be able to take people through a private one and one experiences.

    During the training you will be given the option to buddy up with other trainees to practice throughout the journey.

  • Once you finish the training you’re now able to to serve clients through a one on one (1:1 private SPIRITUS breathwork facilitation) SPIRITUS breathwork process. You will have all the necessary tools to do this in a safe manner. You will not be trained to run group trainings.

  • This training is a blend of online content released each week and live master-classes conducted through zoom. Each zoom masterclass is recorded and uploaded into your online library within 48 hours of the class. If you are unable to attend the LIVE training it is then your responsibility to complete the replay in the same week.


    It is expected that all student will allocate the appropriate to time each week (approx. 6hrs) to ensure they can be present for the calls and/or stay up to date with the call recordings & homework submissions so that you stay up-to-date with the program. The course is intensive in nature so it is required that students prepared for that.

  • Each week you will have a 3 hour masterclass which includes a breathwork journey (10 SPIRITUS breathwork journeys in total, the other two stay as a masterclass).

    That is over 40 hours of LIVE contact with Tim, plus hours of resources in your online library.

    You will also get fortnightly 60minute Q & A sessions.

    There is also weekly content that is drip feed to you through our online platform.


    It is expected that all student will allocate the appropriate to time each week (approx. 6hrs) to ensure they can be present for the calls and/or stay up to date with the call recordings & homework submissions so that you stay up-to-date with the program. The course is intensive in nature so it is required that students prepared for that.

  • Currently, we are offering partial scholarships to our BIPOC community. There are only a limited number of scholarship spots. We have made this training as accessible as possible by offering three different payment options.

  • All participants who have completed Level 1 will be notified when level 2 is available to them.

    Please note however that this is only offered once we see competence in the students who have completed the entire Level 1 training and practical requirements; showing competence in all areas.

    This is the same process for add on trainings that will be either online or in person that you can attend to upskill, expand your practice and also expand your knowledge of complimentary skills to include in your 1:1 breathwork facilitation.

    Here are the most common questions people have before enrolling in Breathwork Facilitator Training.

    (Sidenote: if you read through these and still have questions about whether this is the right fit for you, reply to this email.)

    • If you are wanting to learn directly from me and learn the healing art of breathwork in a sacred and trauma informed way.

    • If you are feeling a deep calling.

    • We start on May 18th 2023 and the course is 12 weeks.

    • We suggest to dedicate 5 to 6 hours a week to immerse yourself in the program.

    • The weekly LIVE Masterclass calls are Thursdays 11am - 2pm AEST

    • The bi-weekly LIVE Q&A calls are Tuesdays 11am - 12pm AEST

    • We’ve got you covered. All calls will be RECORDED & posted to your membership portal within 24hrs so you can watch it right away.

    • If you can’t make the Q&A sessions you are also able to submit your questions and I will answer them for you in our session!

    • Weekly 3 hour masterclass (including breathwork journeys)

    • 10 Spiritus Breathwork Journeys

    • Weekly Teaching Content on our online platform

    • 6 x 1hr Q&A Sessions

    • Lifetime access to course content

  • In short, Yes. We are all on our own journey and life will always present opportunities for growth, however it is important to do the work before facilitating. In this process, you will find that your wounds can become your greatest gifts!

    This is exactly why I lead YOU through 10 breathwork sessions, so that you can heal and awaken your own internal transformation Question 6: “I’m not sure I can afford the investment”

  • This is not just an investment in developing the skill of breathwork and receiving a certification - this is a path to do meaningful work and living your life purpose.

    I like to ask, Can you afford not to do this program? What is the cost of you staying in the same position you currently are?